A Lasting Impact

A Lasting Impact A woman’s close call serves as an important reminder. We often think of the poem by British missionary Charles Studd. “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.” We met a certain woman whose story reminded us of this quote. She once considered herself a Christian, but had since wandered away …

06/18/2016: Happy Hearts

Happy Hearts in Malawi   Tucked into the southeast corner of Africa is a little snippet of a country called Malawi. It is a land blessed with natural beauty, abundant wildlife and lovely people. Lake Malawi (also known as Lake Nyasa), 363 miles long and the third-largest freshwater lake in Africa, occupies about a quarter of Malawi’s territory. When David …

12/21/2013: Bilay’s House

Bilay’s House Thailand Recently I visited one of Pastor Phamor’s lay evangelists in Ratchaburi province three hours west of Bangkok. Pastor Phamor had invited pastor Ramin, president of Education Opportunity Foundation, to help him do a Revelation seminar with the church members and students in the area. I went along to see how Leading to the Light could join EOF …

12/22/2012: Kenya, a World Earnestly Calling

Kenya, a World Earnestly Calling Almost nine years ago when we began the work of spreading the three angels’ messages in Kenya, the work seemed to progress very slowly. At first we focused on supplying Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books. As the work has grown, our focus remains the same, but the Lord has blessed and opened doors, and …

10/20/2012: Finding Yaneth

Finding Yaneth Bolivia “Fatherless and motherless children are thrown into the arms of the church, and Christ says to His followers: Take these destitute children, bring them up for Me, and ye shall receive your wages.” The Adventist Home, 167. God has really been blessing us here in Santa Cruz, Bolivia! Recently, we were fixing up the house, using donated …