Philippines: Pastor Temtem – March 2016

Exciting things are happening in Lamcanedang, here on Mindinao Island in the Philippines. With the help of Brothers Jun and Edgar, I have been doing house to house Bible studies to continue working the ground here. Through God’s help, who blessed our work, there are now five new adults keeping Sabbath with us at the Lamcanedang Church: Sister Ugca, Sister Tuan, Brother and sister Manigding, and …

01/30/2016: Have Mercy

Have Mercy Washington State, USA   Aravelys Rivera and her brother Samuel were raised in a Seventh-day Adventist home. Their mother was more active in the church than her father who eventually fell away in his faith. Whenever their mother struggled to teach them moral principles, their father would undo it all. He brought home the pleasures of the world: …

01/23/2016: A Seed Planted

A Seed Planted Australia   I want to share a wonderful experience I recently had. As some of you know, I work as a Bible worker for Highwood Health Retreat in Australia. We believe that our Seventh-day Adventist health centers not only help people get physically healthy but also share the gospel and lead souls to Christ. After all, that …