Letter from Cody: Honduras – August 2014

“Standing by a purpose true, Heeding God’s command, Honor them the faithful few! All hail to Daniel’s band! Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone! Dare to have a purpose firm! Dare to make it known.” How true and striking are the words of this familiar children’s song, but how often unheeded do they go. As another familiar statement says, this world is in need of Daniels today! “The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.” Education, 57. Paul was another individual who would stand for the right regardless of the consequences. “In his ministry, Paul was often compelled to stand alone. He was specially taught of God and dared make no concessions that would involve principle. At times the burden was heavy, but Paul stood firm for the right. He realized that the church must never be brought under the control of human power. The traditions and maxims of men must not take the place of revealed truth. The advance of the gospel message must not be hindered by the prejudices and preferences of men, whatever might be their position in the church.” Acts of the Apostles, 199, 200. God is calling us to stand for that purpose true, heeding God’s command today. He gives us the grace and the courage to stand firmly for Him, making no compromise where principle is concerned. He is calling us to answer that greatest want of the world—the want of men and women who will stand for the right though the heavens fall! May we dare to be Daniels today!

Around the world there are men and women who are daring to be Daniels and who are sharing with others the blessing of standing for that purpose true. One such location is in Honduras where they have been fearlessly broadcasting the truth over the airwaves for many years. Teresa Jimenez and her husband Jorge are instrumental in leading out in this work there. Recently they have been able to relocate to a new site, and the Lord has just recently opened the doors for them to begin broadcasting over the internet, as well. Recently, the Lord has provided a radio operator for them who, among his other duties, has three live broadcasts a day! Brother Wagner is so thankful to be working for the Lord in this radio station and shares how happy he is to be in the Lord’s service. “It’s a great privilege for us to be a part of such a wonderful ministry as the radio, because in this way we are using all the means within our reach in order to fulfill the great commission God has entrusted us in Matthew 28. As we work here, we are trying to contribute with the little bit we can in order to reach as many as possible with the everlasting gospel and the three angel’s message given in Revelation 14:6-12. For this reason we have decided to dedicate our whole time to this ministry’s work. I have always prayed that I might be able to work in a radio station that was completely Adventist and which had a programming that identified us as a peculiar and distinctive people, but it seemed like something impossible. With God’s help, we hope to do the best we can in this ministry, so the work can move forward and the distinctive message of God’s remnant people may spread far and wide.” Praise the Lord for faithful brethren, standing firmly for God and giving His message with power! If you would like to help the work of Redemption Radio, you can mark your donation accordingly. In order to continue the good work of broadcasting the truth far and wide, they need our prayers and support!

Yours in daring to be a Daniel,

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