Sabbath in Buremba

Sabbath in Buremba A special event draws truth-seekers in Uganda. Our country saw a period of heavy rain from September through December of last year, sometimes lasting from morning to sunset each day. As our local church spent the month of November preparing for a special visitor’s Sabbath for the surrounding community, we feared that the rain would put a …

The Least of These

The Least of These Orphans find hope in Africa. The plight of the orphan is a cause that Advent Hope takes very seriously. When we witness the poverty and the needs of the children in Africa, our hearts are burdened. Let me tell you about some of the children and their stories. Bivon was brought up in a family who …

Mission to the Multitudes

Mission to the Multitudes An Adventist institute impacts its community. Melgaço is a small town in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, not far from our evangelistic training institute. It is populated by traditional Lutheran Germans and Pomeranians, many of which don’t even speak or read the Brazilian official language of Portuguese. There is a great need for the gospel …

Questioned by a Drunk

Questioned by a Drunk A Bible worker’s patient instruction leads an old alcoholic and his family to truth. “There are many who will not go to church to hear the truth preached. By personal efforts in simplicity and wisdom these might be persuaded to turn their feet to the house of God. . . . Should your solicitations be refused, …