10/03/09: Vignettes from the Vineyard of India

The Village of M. Kulakudi

By God’s grace, I was able to visit a village called M. Kulakudi in our Tamil Nadu state. Last year I visited them and gave them a little Bible study. The next visit I made, I came with the plan of organizing a church. The contact person, Brother Jayaraman, was available there and we had a brief discussion about our present truth. For four continuous days, I talked with him and his family. He accepted the Sabbath message, righteousness by faith, and many other messages. He agreed with our studies and accepted the challenge of organizing a church in that village.

He was a Hindu man who was the first person in the village to take a stand with Christ. He was ridiculed by the local people. But he never let such disturbances bother him, and he continued his witnessing for Jesus. He had a natural attitude of acceptance towards God’s word, and he accepted our present truth messages with joy. Already he and his family were picture-001attending a church called the Apostolic Church, where he was an elder and enthusiastic layman. When he accepted our teachings, he phoned to his previous church pastor and informed him that he was withdrawing his membership from them and had decided to organize a new church in his village. On that same evening, he visited all the neighboring people and invited them to attend our church. Before I left that village, there were twenty-five souls who came forward to attend our church here. Nearly forty years before we visited this village, there was not even one Christian there. At that time, my parents came and taught them about Christ. However, the village was filled with total darkness, and remained firm in their heathen religion. Today there are fifty people who are attending different Christian churches and have removed their idols from their homes. I saw their idol temple, and found it devoid of the celebrations it had previously hosted.

I believe that Brother Jayaraman was chosen by God. He has already stopped practicing the charismatic spirit, and has begun keeping the health principles. He told me that when he attended the Pentecostal church, he never felt like speaking in tongues, so it was easy for him to accept the study on the Holy Spirit. He has thoroughly learned the studies on the immutability of the law of God, and the Sabbath change. He says that many other denominations came to him and asked him to join them, promising financial support. He never agreed to any such calls, and finally, he has accepted our teachings and has taken a stand with us. Let us pray for this newly-joined soul and those that the Gospel of Christ must reach in these villages.

Bangalore City

Last month I visited Bangalore City where Brother Jeyapaul works as an evangelist. Since this brother Jeyapaul is a science graduate he is doing the evangelistic approach along with medical ministry. He is practicing natural remedies with herbal medicines such as Noni and Aloe Vera. Many people are being healed from their ailments. By this medical ministry, he has entered many new places, and succeeded in his evangelistic efforts.

Charismatic Christians

Once I had to visit an independent group of people to give the Sabbath morning message. I found that this group was influenced with the Charismatic spirit, so I gave them a study on the subject of the two phases of the work of Holy Spirit. I explained to them the fruits of Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit; and the time of the Latter Rain. I also explained to them the satanic deceptions of counterfeit miracles, using many supporting verses. We see a great number of people deceived by these charismatic movements. The knowledge of the truth is abruptly washed out from their minds. India is surrounded with heathenism and the charismatic spirit. The chosen Adventist people are affected with worldliness and disobedience. We have to work in the midst of total darkness in this heathen country. The responsibility is great and solemn upon us here. Human abilities cannot do this great ministry. Only the hands of the mighty God of Israel can do this work of redemption. But the earnest prayers of all the children of God can shake this country and sweep this darkness away. We have to surrender ourselves to God to do this work.


Another place I have visited is called Jonnada of Andhra state. Brother Sunil Paul is working as our evangelist there, together with Joseph Chapla, among the heathens and Sunday worshipers. They are teaching the Word of God in their native language of Telugu. Some of the translated tracts were supplied to these people. These brethren are enthusiastic in distributing these tracts and visiting many people. Brother Sunil Paul is also maintaining an orphanage adjacent to his house, supporting twenty children. To feed these poor children, Brother Paul is working the night service, driving taxis. For the last ten years he has been working with me even in the times of financial crisis. He has gathered six more workers and is visiting the neighboring villages. He has visited 150 other denomination groups. We believe that the Lord will raise more workers and bring many souls who seek eternal life.

The Tamil People in France

Another call has come from the Tamil speaking people of France. One of my sisters has arranged all of my immigration formalities and travel expenditures. If it is God’s will, I may leave for France in the month of August, 2009, and conduct camp meetings for one month.


My niece, who is living in Kenya and working as a medical missionary with her nursing degree, wrote me a letter requesting to send an evangelist from Steps to Life. I conveyed this information to Sister Janet and she informed our official worker, Brother Jeremiah. We believe that this contact will develop into winning more souls in Kenya.

Our Immediate Needs

We find that there are many illiterate people in these villages. We will be more effective if audio Bibles are supplied, as suggested by Pastor Domingo Nuñez. The immediate need of more tracts and a Bible correspondence course in the Indian languages are our very next step in this ministry here. We hope we will see God’s mighty hands in all our efforts towards soul winning to the heavenly garner.

By David Sampathkumar, India. E-mail: oldpathsda@hotmail.com