12/10/2011: Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep It Holy

Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy In the days ahead, God’s people will be tested more and more. The primary deciding issue will be God’s seventh-day Sabbath. It is the seal of the living God, the crowning seal of His creation. The faith of all true Christians will be tested. How will you stand? Let me share with …

12/17/2011: Free Indeed

Free Indeed During a recent visit to Negros, I had the privilege of meeting Brother Michael Paute. Here is his testimony: I am Michael Paute, 27 years old, born in a Muslim family with ten siblings—five brothers and five sisters. I was the youngest of them all. Even though we had a large family, my father had an affair with …

12/03/2011: Medical Ministry Project

Medical Ministry Project Three Angels Messages (3AM) Wellness Center is the name that we have chosen for our new lifestyle center from the various suggestions given by our beloved brethren. The plan of this project is indeed of divine origin. Although we made many mistakes, from the very beginning divine Providences helped us step by step to get established. Through …

11/26/2011: Home Invasion!

Home Invasion! A flashlight and muffled voices awakened me from a deep slumber. As I grabbed my glasses and peered in the direction of the light, I saw Aluisio and Julie staring at the hall floor separating the bedrooms. Upon closer examination, I saw it, too, increasingly with horror—thousands upon thousands of army ants, marching through our home. They had …